Priyanka Chopra has gained global recognition due to her noteworthy contribution to Bollywood and Hollywood industries. The Desi Girl created quite a buzz when she made her relationship official with American singer Nick Jonas. Earlier, the actress was on the news after she dropped her husband’s surname from Instagram, in the latest interview PC opens about the same and also reacts to Australian journalist Peter Ford’s demeaning remark asking about her and Nick’s contribution to movies.
Ever since the two got married, the couple has been treating their fans with mushy pictures. They often support each other’s work and whatnot. Recently when the Krrish star dropped Nick’s surname from her social media everyone started speculating about their separation.
Now months after the incident, Priyanka Chopra in an interview with Vanity Fair says, “It’s a very vulnerable feeling, actually, that if I post a picture, everything that’s behind me in that picture is going to be zoomed in on, and people are going to speculate.”
Priyanka Chopra adds, “It’s just a professional hazard…. Because of the noise of social media, because of the prevalence that it has in our lives, I think it seems a lot larger than it is. I think that we give it a lot more credence in real life, and I don’t think it needs that.”
On the other hand, PC recalls feeling angry at the Australian journalist Peter Ford after he questioned the actress and her singer husband Nick Jonas’ contribution in movies, he wrote, “No disrespect to these two but I’m not sure their contribution to movies qualifies them to be announcing Oscar nominees.”
No disrespect to these two but I’m not sure their contribution to the movies qualifies them to be announcing Oscar nominees.
— Peter Ford (@mrpford) March 15, 2021
Would love your thoughts on what qualifies someone. Here are my 60+ film credentials for your adept consideration @mrpford
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) March 16, 2021
Responding to this, Priyanka Chopra had shared a video of her IMDB page and talking about the same, the actress says, “I usually don’t get mad, but that just pissed me off.”
“I’ll be mad, I’ll be angry, I’ll be annoyed. I’ll speak about it to my family. I might cry a little bit, but it doesn’t change my relationship with my work and what my actual quest is. My quest is not people’s opinions. My quest is my job. My quest is making sure that when someone watches something that I have done, it moves them or they enjoy it. My personal life, who I am, all of that is not my job,” the actress continued.
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more information.
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