Saif Ali Khan has a lot of reasons to make noise lately. He celebrated his 51st birthday yesterday. On the special occasion, even the Bhoot Police teaser was unveiled. But now, the latest is about his house, Fortune Heights, from where he along with Kareena Kapoor Khan and the kids recently shifted. It is now been rented and the finances involved are huge!
As most know, Fortune Heights is a lavish property that Saif owns in Bandra. However, earlier this year, the actor along with his family shifted to a more spacious place in the same vicinity. Many were wondering what is happening with the former property? Well, it’s being put on rent and the amount being charged is mind-boggling.
Ending the mystery, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are charging 3.5 lakhs per month for their spacious property. It is a 1500-square feet apartment and the security deposit charged is massive 15 lakhs. Yes, you heard that right!
Furthermore, Saif Ali Khan has rented his apartment for 3 years and the rent will subsequently increase every year. That’s a smart deal, isn’t it?
Talking about their new home, it’s way more extravagant than Fortune Heights. This one includes a nursery for Jeh, a private space for Taimur Ali Khan. Apart from that, the property includes beautiful terraces, a swimming pool, landscaped areas and a lot more. Now we know why Saifeena shifted, yea?
On the professional front, Bhoot Police teaser was released yesterday. It is a horror-comedy that also stars Arjun Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam, Javed Jaffery amongst others.
Kareena Kapoor Khan, on the other hand, finished the shoot for Laal Singh Chaddha. She recently made a lot of noise over reportedly asking for a hefty sum for the role of Sita.
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