Angelina Jolie Makes A Smashing Instagram Debut, Dedicates Account To Help Afghanistan: “I’ve Come To Share Their Stories” - #hollywoodupdates

Angelina Jolie Makes A Smashing Instagram Debut, Dedicates Account To Help Afghanistan: “I’ve Come To Share Their Stories”


Angelina Jolie Makes Way To Instagram
Angelina Jolie Is Now On Instagram & Her First Post In Heart Wrenching (Photo Credit: IMDb)

Superstars making their Instagram debut is always an event. We all remember what storm it caused when Friends star Jennifer Aniston made her way to the photo-sharing app and how fans almost slowed down it. So now brace yourself as there is one more debut, and it is none other than the very gorgeous Eternals star Angelina Jolie. Yes, the actor has walked in the world of photos and gossip, but her cause to do so is noble.

Instagram audience and fans were in for a sudden surprise when Angelina Jolie made her Instagram debut out of now where. The actor all these years has been resistant to joining social media herself and even letting her six children do it. As per her first post, she has done this to amplify requests for help from people in Afghanistan and across the globe. Her first alarming post is a specimen of what the actor is here for. Read on to know everything.

Sharing a letter sent to her by an Afghan girl whose identify Angelina Jolie chooses to not reveal, Jolie wrote, “Right now, the people of Afghanistan are losing their ability to communicate on social media and to express themselves freely. So I’ve come on Instagram to share their stories and the voices of those across the globe who are fighting for their basic human rights.”

The letter shared by Angelina Jolie is a heart-wrenching look at what is happening in Afghanistan after Taliban’s take over and the hardships they have been putting people through for years. An excerpt from the letter reads, “One day they come to our house and we were all scared. And after that day I thought about what kind of time I should go to school in the morning in this situation, because of their existence, or when I came home from course again, the air was dark, but I could come home very easily, but now I cannot go to the course easily.” The letter closes with this: “We all lost our freedom, and we are imprisoned again.”

Angelina Jolie’s noble cause has only increased our love for her. The actor in just a few hours of her Instagram debut is already 3.7 Million string the last we checked. She currently follows oy three accounts, including the NAACP, Doctor’s Without Borders and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Her Instagram bio reads, “Mom, filmmaker, Special Envoy for UN @refugees.”

Check it right here:

Angelina Jolie is now gearing up for her Marvel debut with Eternals. Stay tuned to Koimoi for more.

Must Read: Eternals Reworks Salman Khan’s Song From Hum Aapke Hain Koun For Its Theme? Varun Grover Points Out!

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