Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor made one of the most iconic pairs of Bollywood. They were and always will be the epitome of love in real life. But before the late actor got married to Neetu, he had fallen for Dimple Kapadia. That did not last long as she got married to Rajesh Khanna. But, did you know that after getting married, the late actor had to do a film with Kapadia and had to do a lot of kissing scenes in it? Well, Mrs Kapoor’s reaction was epic, and we definitely want you guys to know about it.
After marrying Neetu, Rishi always felt that she was insecure about Dimple. That is quite natural, isn’t it? In fact, even the veteran actress has confessed this about her late husband that he used to always be nervous in front of Kapadia after their wedding. So imagine what must have been his condition when asked to do a kissing scene with his former love in Saagar?
After ten years of marriage, when Dimple Kapadia made a comeback into Bollywood, she signed a film with Rishi Kapoor named Saagar. The late actor was very nervous about doing this film as he did not know how his wife Neetu Kapoor would feel.
During the first show of the film Saagar, Neetu Kapoor was also present with Rishi Kapoor. When the film’s trial show was completed, the late actor looked at his wife with restless eyes waiting for her reaction. It was also coz many romantic and intimate scenes were filmed between the two former lovers.
After Neetu did not utter a word after watching the film, Rishi’s restlessness increased. When both of them sat back in their car to get back home, Neetu Kapoor had the most epic reaction. She only said one thing to Rishi Kapoor, “How can you look so bad in kissing?”
Well, we are sure that Rishi must not have expected such a reaction from Neetu. What do you have to say about this? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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