Mandana Karimi recently wrapped up her film Koka Kola which also stars Sunny Leone. In her latest interview, she revealed that producer of the film misbehaved with her on the last of the shoot. But, on the contrary, producer Mahendra Dhariwal has a different story to tell.
Mahendra said that Mandana was displaying unprofessional behaviour on the sets of the film. Mandana labelled him as an ‘old-school man’ turning the sets of the movie into a ‘man-dominated’ & ‘egoistic’ place.
In her interview with Times Of India, Mandana Karimi said, “I am still in shock about what happened and how it happened. Koka Kola is a film that we have been working on for over a year now, and it’s been one of those jobs that you do despite knowing that the team is not being very professional.”
She also added, “We all end up doing a few such jobs to just keep ourselves afloat. From the beginning, I had problems with this crew. The producer (Mahendra Dhariwal) is an old-school man who turns the set into a man-dominated, egoistic place. There are places where projects are driven by one person’s ego. That’s not new, but what happened on November 13 has shaken me up.”
On the last day when Mandana Karimi had to leave early, she came in before time to finish the necessary hours and the producer was okay with it at first. On what happened next, Mandana said, “The moment I left the set and went to my vanity van to change, he forcefully came inside and started shouting ‘You can’t leave. I asked you to do an extra hour, and you have to listen because I am the producer and I have paid you’.”
On this, Mahendra Dhariwal replied, “We were shooting for Koka Kola with Sunny Leone and Mandana Karimi before the pandemic hit us. The shoot was halted due to the lockdown. We had signed Mandana for Rs 7 lakhs, but once the shooting began and got into continuity, she started acting up. Like when we were shooting in Delhi, and she had to stay back for a day, she demanded Rs 2 lakh to be paid to her. Post-lockdown, when we started planning our shoot again, and we reached out to her for dates, she said she is busy. She demanded a sum of Rs 2 lakh a day for these new dates. She wanted the money to be paid in advance, which I did.”
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