Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is mustering all the headlines ever since Sushant Singh Rajput has left us. She claims that Sushant Singh’s death was not a suicide but a planned murder by movie mafias. At first, many fans supported the actress and joined her movement on justice for SSR. But it seems that people are now not very much convinced with Kangana’s extreme statements. This is the reason #arrestkangana is currently trending on Twitter. Read on the full story to have a look at such tweets.
Kangana was getting support from Sushant’s fans in the beginning. The actress even claimed that she would return Padma Shri if her claims prove wrong. But when she refused to come to Mumbai from Manali to record her statement to support the investigation, fans got upset.
It all started when Team Kangana Ranaut Tweeted, “Mumbai police is exposed big time, Sushant’s family said they don’t trust them, also Bollywood’s “repeat after me” gang, depression ka dhanda chalane wale should be remanded.” The Tweet also tagged Deepika Padukone in it. Now people are openly criticizing her for being a hypocrite. Have a look at some tweets below.
Mumbai Police is exposed big time, Sushant’s family said they don’t trust them, also Bollywood’s “repeat after me”gang, depression ka dhanda chalane wale should be remanded @deepikapadukone #RheaChakraborty #WhyFearCBIForSSR
— Team Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) July 28, 2020
-Harrased Ranbir with fake rumors of them dating "#nowranbirkangana"
-Harassed stalked slandered Hrithik to mental exhaustion for 6 years
-Now attempting to do same with Alia
-Used SSR's death to manipulate & defame her "enemies"
Throw this scum out of BW!!#arrestkanganaranaut— Hoor Stan (@ayaansangar) July 29, 2020
Wondering why #arrestkanganaranaut is trending
— Anba Irupom (@V_I_S____) July 29, 2020
#arrestkanganaranaut for playing politics on a dead person's graveyard
— Dr. Maulik Modi (@iamthemaulik) July 29, 2020
This is my RT to my previous tweet and add this hashtag#arrestkanganaranaut
Both outsiders both were Mahesh Bhatt's closeness. If #RheaChakraborty is prove guilty then #KanganaRanaut is more guilty then her because she diverted whole case in to Nepotism.— CHETAN (Justice4Sushant-CBI ENQ) (@ichets_hr) July 29, 2020
When you have no logical thing to say to defend your hate , simply say you are Dp PR or paid by her PR . Whose PR agency has paid you ?kangana's? Definitely you are paid by kangana's PR team. Shameless Kangana. #arrestkangana
— DPstan (@ISTANDDEEPIKA) July 29, 2020
One user even wrote that it was time for Sushant Singh Rajput’s family to file a case against Kangana Ranaut for milking their son’s death for her personal agenda. The user even claimed that she was seeking revenge from the people she hates. Have a look here:
Time for Sushant's family to file a case against #KangnaRanaut for milking their son's death for personal agenda and seeking revenge from people she hates. Madam, making excuses to avoid the police. Shame on you @KanganaTeam #arrestkangana #deepikapadukone
— DPstan (@ISTANDDEEPIKA) July 28, 2020
What are your views on #arrestkangana trend and Kangana Ranaut? Do let us know in the comments section.
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The post Kangana Ranaut Faces Backlash For Sushant Singh Rajput-Deepika Padukone Tweet, #arrestkangana Trends On Twitter! appeared first on Koimoi.
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