Renowned actor and activist Nadia Jamil has been diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. Jamil took to social media to share the news with her fans and followers. The actor said that she felt a wave of emotions when she found out, adding that she is now four days into her treatment. Nadia also urged all her followers to conduct regular self-checks and act fast if they feel any abnormalities.
When a follower asked her about the symptoms she felt, Nadia said that she conducted regular checkup and visited a GP as soon as she felt a lump.
However, Nadia said that cancer has not taken her smile away and that she is focused on remaining positive.
The actor was earlier diagnosed with a brain tumour and had opened up about having multiple seizures as well.
Soon after Nadia shared the news, prominent politicians and journalists came forward to extend their support and wish her good health.
The Current also wishes Nadia a speedy recovery.
The post Nadia Jamil diagnosed with stage 1 cancer appeared first on The Current.
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